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Install Google Chrome on Windows Server with a Powershell Script

$LocalTempDir = $env:TEMP; $ChromeInstaller = "ChromeInstaller.exe"; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://dl.google.com/chrome/install/375.126/chrome_installer.exe', "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller"); & "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller" /silent /install; $Process2Monitor = "ChromeInstaller"; Do { $ProcessesFound = Get-Process | ?{$Process2Monitor -contains $_.Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name; If ($ProcessesFound) { "Still running: $($ProcessesFound -join ', ')" |



OS X Server update breaks PostgreSQL

The OS X Server 3.2.1 just released appears to break PostgreSQL during the update process. The new version of Postgresql installed (9.3.x over 9.2.x) contains an updated configuration field: “unix_socket_directory” becomes “unix_socket_directories”, the value doesn’t change, just the name. The installer also appears to fail while upgrading the PostgreSQL data, causing the process to crash. Thanks to the helpful users on the Apple Discussion boards here a fix has been found. As always,



Windows Loader - Status:modified - uninstall other cracks

Ако виждате съобщението по горе при опит за активиране на Windows 7, или ви е паднала активацията на WIndows-а Стартирате cmd като администратор и изпълнявате sfc /scannow Рестартирате. Ако изпълнявате тази стъпка след паднала активация, най-вероятно ще имате съобщени "Status: Notification" след изпълнение на стъпката по горе. Решението



Solve Windows Loader “Status: Notification” Issue

Open the start menu. Type in cmd. Right-click on the option cmd, and choose “Run as administrator”. If prompted, click on Yes or Continue to continue. In the black window that opens, type slmgr -rearm exactly as shown here. Press Enter on your keyboard. A message will appear saying Command completed successfully. Restart your system. Restart your computer.



Bash Script for backup

#!/bin/bash #################################### # # Backup to NFS mount script with # grandfather-father-son rotation # of specified directory # #################################### # What to backup. backup_files="/etc /root" # Where to backup to. dest="/backup/system" # Setup variables for the archive filename. day=$(date +%A) hostname=$(hostname -s) # Find which week of the month 1-4 it is. day_num=$(date +%d) if (( $day_num <= 7 )); then week_file="$hostname-week1.tgz"



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