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Става въпрос за iguard ip-250e заиграх се със това чудо на небезизвестния телеком. Въпроса ми е някой, би ли споделил как да достъпя Уеб Интерфейса и с какви юсър и пасс. Намирам камерката на, нямам порт скенер във момента зада ви кажа порт

Със помощ на колега порта е открит. Остава достъпа до устройството. 

Edited by psyx0

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself . A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough wit hour ever having felt sorry for itself.

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Пробвай с това ....  , дано да помогне


By default, the Account Name is set to “Admin” and No Password


Do not lose the administrator account and password. Once set, you will not be
able to configure iGuard via its web manager without the administrator account
and password. To reset the iGuard account password, you will have to refresh
the firmware or use the master password to retrieve it.



4.Master Password: This is the password that is printed on the serial label. You can
use this password to retrieve your lost/forgotten Web Password and Netility/Device
Passwords following the steps below:
In your browser please enter:
Http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/password.cgi or Http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:###/password.cgi
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the iGuard, and ### is the port number that
is assigned to the unit (by default it is 80)
If the network is setup properly you will be prompted with a login-in screen:



Най обичам да ям боб и ляб, топъл и пуфкаф, и да еб*!

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Благодаря за помощта, всичко се получи както трябва. Ето тези редчета са важните в случая и се получи идеално  ;D


Пробвай с това ....  , дано да помогне


By default, the Account Name is set to “Admin” and No Password


Do not lose the administrator account and password. Once set, you will not be
able to configure iGuard via its web manager without the administrator account
and password. To reset the iGuard account password, you will have to refresh
the firmware or use the master password to retrieve it.



4.Master Password: This is the password that is printed on the serial label. You can
use this password to retrieve your lost/forgotten Web Password and Netility/Device
Passwords following the steps below:
In your browser please enter:
Http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/password.cgi or Http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:###/password.cgi
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the iGuard, and ### is the port number that
is assigned to the unit (by default it is 80)
If the network is setup properly you will be prompted with a login-in screen:

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself . A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough wit hour ever having felt sorry for itself.

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